
Coming out of hibernation...

You may have been wondering where I've been hiding for the past few months. Well the answer is that I have been devouring books as well as enjoying the holidays. I realized last night that in the past year I have read over 31 books (a personal record for me), fifteen of which were read in the past 5 weeks. I consider this to be impressive since I was also working, eating, sleeping, traveling, etc. You see I was still a functioning human being but I just stopped writing blogs and watching TV. However, I do apologize to my audience since I let you down. I promise not to leave you for so long in the future.

More importantly, isn't it awesome when you can get completely wrapped up in a hobby? It doesn't happen often. At least for me it doesn't. I was so enthralled with two books series that I completely put TV and other activities on hold for a while. If you know me very well, you would know that Tivo is one of my favorite items in my home, therefore, turning off the TV for over a month is kind of a big deal.

It was a beautiful five weeks. The apartment was decorated, the tree was lit, the candles were glowing, and it was absolutely peaceful because Andy and I were both reading. I strongly encourage you to find something for you to get excited about in this new year! It doesn't have to be reading- I realize it's not for everyone and slightly nerdy. But it should be something you are passionate about and enjoy doing.

Just find something. For me it was escaping to other worlds while in the comfort of my own living room. What will it be for you in 2010?